Home Care Services Milford CT - How Can a Low-Sodium Diet Help Your Elderly Loved One?


If your elderly loved one is eating too much sodium, they will have a higher risk of high blood pressure. Having high blood pressure means that your elderly loved one also has a higher risk of experiencing major health issues. Some of these health issues include strokes and heart attacks. Knowing more about the benefits of a low-sodium diet and sharing these benefits with your elderly loved one is important.

Reducing Blood Pressure

Home Care Services Milford CT - How Can a Low-Sodium Diet Help Your Elderly Loved One?
Home Care Services Milford CT – How Can a Low-Sodium Diet Help Your Elderly Loved One?

If your elderly loved one is already experiencing high blood pressure, they need to get this under control. While there are medications that can help with this, another option is a natural one. If your elderly loved one eats a low-sodium diet it could help to lower their blood pressure.

Reducing the Heart Attack Risk

You want to help your elderly loved one reduce their heart attack risk. There are many ways that you can do this. One of the things that your elderly loved one will need to do is to eat a low-sodium diet. You or one of their caregivers can encourage them to pick low-sodium foods from the store. For example, there are low-sodium soups that your loved one can choose.

Lowering Bad Cholesterol Levels

LDL is the bad type of cholesterol. Having high cholesterol levels can lead to dangerous health conditions. However, if your elderly loved one eats a low-sodium diet this can help to lower LDL cholesterol levels. One of the ways to lower this type of cholesterol is to eat very minimal or no packaged foods.

Preventing Heart Failure

Your elderly loved one will have a lower risk of heart failure if they eat a low-sodium diet, as well. You see, when their heart has a more difficult time pumping the blood throughout their body, the risk of heart failure goes up. Eating too much sodium makes the blood vessel restrict. This is one reason why blood can’t pump as easily throughout the body. However, if you can encourage your elderly loved one to eat less sodium, it can reduce their risk of heart failure.

Decreasing the Risk for Kidney Damage

Did you know that too much sodium can lead to blood vessel issues? When this happens, it can make the kidneys not function properly. This can ultimately lead to kidney damage. However, if you can get your elderly loved one to eat a low-sodium diet sooner and stick to it, this can reduce their risk for kidney damage.

These are just some of the many reasons why your elderly loved one needs to eat a low-sodium diet. If they need you or one of their home care services providers to meal prep or go shopping for them, find a way to make this happen. The sooner your elderly loved one cuts out or reduce the sodium in their diet, the better.

Sources:  https://medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000109.htm

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Care Services in Milford CT please contact the caring staff at First Place Home Care, LLC today at (203) 345-1400. Serving the Fairfield County area.